Sunday, January 31, 2010


so here i am, sunday night, watching the end of the longest yard (newer). earlier today i helped my dad setup a new tv stand for his new big ass tv, and then did laundry and setup my new mac book pro.

that doesn't really have anything to do with rules though.

a few rules i really can't stand:

1) the requirements to get a driver's license.
i believe it should be harder to get a drivers license. i have defensive driver training from a trucking job i used to have, and i know i'm over critical about driving, but the way some people drive here is just ridiculous.

2) the big 21.
i really don't like the alcohol rules here. i'm basing this on the result of a study done in germany. there has never been an alcohol related accident on the autobahn. i think that's pretty impressive. it's because you can drink as early as 16 in germany. who are you with when you're that young? with family. people who take care of you, not some frat boys in college you just met a few months ago. another reason why they're so much more responsible is because they have a higher tolerance. i strongly believe that if the drinking age was lowered people would be able to show more responsible drinking habits.

3) phones and driving.
i know for a fact i can text and drive. not that i'm arrogant but i do know i'm coordinated enough to text and keep my eyes on the road. if i can do that in a 30ft box truck, i think i'll be ok in my little s10. however, not everyone else is. as much as it pains me to say this, i think this should be made a law that anyone under the age of 21 shouldn't be allowed to text and drive. the majority of people that do this are kids who have just gotten their license, and i think they need a lot of experience to make sure they have basic driving skills.

4) whaling in oklahoma
this one's just because i hate whale wars, and it's illegal to whale in oklahoma. there's no point for that.

5) iupui parking
i think everyone will be putting this down. iupui's parking rules are ridiculous. i parked at a meter on a friday night (10ish) for 5 minutes to drop off camera equipment and got a ticket for not paying the meter. if you use a meter downtown you don't pay after 6pm weekdays or at all on weekends. i also got a ticket on wednesday of last spring break at 1030 for parking in front of the campus apartments. who makes these poor people work these hours?

rules i'd like to see:

1) airport scanning
i'd like to see the new airport body scanners made mandatory for every passenger on a commercial flight. safety is the number one priority for the faa, and part of safety is security. i know people don't like the fact there could potentially be a revealing image of themselves, but i'd rather have that than some idiot trying to blow himself up.

2) shotgun rule
as a male, in a fraternity, we need a physical set of solid rules for shotgun, or who gets to sit in the front seat of a car. i've heard rules like you have to be outside, or you have to be within sight of the car but nobody can agree. also, wtf is with this "challenge" coming around?

3) student discounts. for EVERYTHING
as a working student (2 jobs, jagtv and fedex) money is important. and very tight in this economy. i would love to have discounts for food, supplies, gas, even alcohol. of course if this happened i would probably get a degree in everything and be a career college student.

4) changes on the death penalty
regardless of political party affiliation, i'm for the death penalty. i don't like using tax payer money to keep murderers, child molesters, thieves and other criminals alive in prisons with increasing populations. i feel that instead of spending $100,000 on lethal injection, we should revert back to the old school method of death by firing squad or hanging. some people call this uncivilized but keeping criminals that deserve it alive is worse.

5) free beer fridays
pretty much explains itself.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First vertical viewing class

The first class yesterday was pretty cool. We first introduced a partner then presented the egg projects. The weather outside was pretty crazy.

I noticed that some of my class mates are very creative and aren't afraid to show it. This tells me I need to open up more and not be so afraid to announce what I'm thinking.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thinking 'bout that EGG

So I've started this blog as required by my seeing sideways class, which is interesting so far to say the least. I mean how many people take classes that have the homework "blog your thoughts about an egg"? I like it, so here it goes.

After grabbing probably the best kind of egg of all time and any dimensions, I had one thought: who was the first guy to want to eat this thing after it's come out of a chicken's butt? He/she couldn't have been completely there, if you know what I mean. However that thought got me going to another thought I've been thinking for a long time: How much work has it taken to get from the stone age to present conditions.

Some of the most brilliant people have changed the world for the better, and most people today take that for granted. I know I couldn't survive without a computer or cell phone and people like me used to be made fun of (I'm old enough to remember that). Now we have people that are so desperate for things like the internet they have wireless routers you can install on your car....for use while you're driving. Even that's starting to be outdated since everyone now has a blackberry or iphone and doesn't need wifi to plant crops in Farmville.

I think about an egg and am reminded of how far we've come in the years we have. At this rate my dad might get the jetpack for daily commuting like he's been wanting since he was 5. I'll get my flying car to avoid traffic, and then I'll be the old guy telling my kids "back in my day, not everything was a touch screen interface and cars drove on the road.

*Ironically enough, Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A Changin". I'm dead serious.

The egg I thought about, which was a Cadbury egg by the way, makes me think about all the technology we have and what will come in the future.